AT&T is back with another proposal for 21(!) new cell antennas atop 1035 San Pablo Ave. (across from UC Village and directly behind neighbors on Kains Ave.)
The Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Commission will hold a study session on the proposed new antennas this Tuesday, Jan. 10 at 7:30 PM at City Hall, 1000 San Pablo Ave.
IF YOU OPPOSE OR ARE CONCERNED ABOUT more antennas at this location, which already has an installation of Sprint/Nextel antennas, IT IS IMPORTANT TO ATTEND THE MEETING OR WRITE TO THE COMMISSION. AT&T sent a flyer to its customers asking them write in support of the proposal, so the city has received a number of emails favoring the antennas.
This is a study session for the Commission to ask questions and identify any concerns with the application. The Commission does not vote on an application at a study session, but the application could be brought back for a vote as early as the next P&Z meeting on Jan. 24.
The current proposal suffers from the same problems as it did the last time AT&T brought it forward, which means it violates rooftop coverage and possibly also height limits of our general zoning code.
To try to stop site-by-site controversies such as this one, ARROW supports a citywide moratorium on new cell antennas to allow the city to establish one or more city-owned antenna sites located away from homes and schools, from which wireless providers could serve the whole city and where they would be encouraged to locate. This is a win-win-win idea. Neighbors would not have to fight, site by site, to keep antennas away from homes and schools; carriers could have a streamlined application process; and the city would get monthly income from the carriers.